what do you do when sleep evades? why, blog of course. it's making me feel crazy, this sleep-not thing. ok, i admit to a bit of obsessing here. the mind, i witness, is not shutting down like i asked it to hours ago. the bitch is bitching away. meditation? i'm trying! (but, yoda says, "try not. do or do not. there is no try") right now, bitch is saying, "shut the f..k up". to whom? not to yoda! you nev'ah diss yoda! i miss my zen-mind. where did she go?
my puppy snores his lovely peaceful innocent little snores of one who gives a hoot about anything but his toys, bones, and food. oh, and chasing squirrels, and watching me. he watches my every move (when he's awake) as if to see that i might be doing something interesting. well, good luck, puppy-little. it's a sad state of affairs when one worries about boring one's devoted dog. oy! anyway, he sleeps and i do not. envy and whining begin to take over.
when sleep (even the word has a ssimple sslippery sound to it) ... when sleep finally comes to visit, and the mind ceases the monkey-stuff ... how deliciously slippery it does feel. it's like sliding into something floaty and light. best of all is when dreams come to visit. they show up like a tease usually when it's getting close to waking time. speaking of waking time ... i've got about two and a half hours until the light comes insisting through my window. come on monkeys, let's take a break and let the dreams commence. please? and thank you!